Wordpress (4)
  • Sheelah Egan 5 years

    Well said

  • M.A. 5 years

    As Christians we should be supporting Israel Folau and his right to warn his fellow man about the consequences of sin. Yes, we are all sinners – but maybe not guilty of the sins listed by Israel. Many people over the years have said / printed much the same as Israel has posted on his page — but never has there been such an uproar – a sign of the strength of the lobby against Christianity and freedom of speech – that is, if you disagree with the minority who are not living according to God’s Law and are trying to convince the rest of us that evil is good and good is bad. Well done Israel for standing up for your beliefs.

  • BW 5 years

    We should be wary of all fundamentalists and their preaching. Those saying this is a free speech issue need to answer what their response would be if another fundamentalist used selected scripture (Christian or Islam) to preach violence. Would the Christians supporting free speech also support the words of a radical Muslim? Israel has every right to express his view but he is a highly paid sportsman and a lot of his salary comes from corporate sponsors. If he is happy to accept the money he has to accept the responsibility to his employers and sponsors.

    While I respect those who publicly stand-up for their faith, I would prefer committed Christians to actively demonstrate the love and forgiveness of the New Testament rather than selectively quoting passages. Focus on your own deeds rather than what others do.

  • Llywellyn 5 years

    To be fair to Folau, without defending the post as a whole, he did discuss the reality that we are all sinners in need of God’s grace in the text alongside the image which caused all the drama. This isn’t make or break but does provide some context for his post which most of the media has omitted or at least failed to mention.