What times are these?

When we look around the world, we see mass migrations and persecutions of peoples. We also wonder about the state of our society and our political leaders. This time is similar to the time of Patrick. He lived in a time of turmoil in Europe but also in a time of the Spirit moving. In the fifth century, we have Saints Patrick, Jerome, Augustine of Hippo, Cyril of Alexandria, and John Chrysostom, and the council of Chalcedon.

It is good to look at St Patrick’s time and our own and ask, “where is our focus?” Do we see only the problems that beset our times, or do we like Patrick hear God call us and say, “before I formed you in the womb, I knew you before you were born, I set you apart.” 

Patrick was able to be the instrument to convert Ireland because he had confidence in God and the call placed upon his life. Do we believe that we belong to God, that God wants to use us, and that God can transform society? During this Lent, let us ask for a renewal of faith and confidence in the Holy Spirit’s work in our world and focus on what could be rather than the problems we see.

Lord, help us to have confidence in you and your transforming power in our world.


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