Archbishop Prowse launches Project Compassion at Daramalan

Archbishop Christopher Prowse delivering the homily at Ash Wednesday Mass at Daramalan College. Photo supplied.

On Ash Wednesday, March 6, over 1400 students, staff and visiting representatives from colleges within the Archdiocese, gathered at Daramalan College to hear Archbishop Christopher Prowse officially launch Project Compassion for 2019 at a special Mass.

After the homily, guest speaker, Mr Paul Mugambi from Kenya, an advocate for both disability and human rights, shared his inspirational story.

Despite becoming blind as a young adult, Paul has overcome extraordinary barriers and gone on to achieve some amazing accomplishments. He has worked in refugee camps in Kenya integrating disability into community programs, is currently doing his Masters degree at ANU in Public Policy and has served as the Secretary of People with Disabilities ACT. 

He was the first Kenyan to play blind cricket, is an artist and has also won numerous awards – the latest being, the 2018 Chief Minister’s Award. 

Paul’s story of hope and courage highlights the many ways Caritas also works around the world to offer hope to communities who are vulnerable to extreme poverty and injustice.

Project Compassion is Caritas Australia’s annual Lenten fundraising and awareness-raising appeal. Millions of Australians come together in solidarity with the world’s poor to help end poverty, promote justice and uphold dignity.

Archbishop Christopher Prowse reminded all present that Lent is a time of reflection and forgiveness, a time to stop and think about how to play a part in God’s hope for a world that is fair, just and peaceful. 

Through prayer, fasting and alms-giving the focus shifts to a closer relationship with God and how serving others can draw us closer to God. 

Caritas Australia relies on the generosity of the Catholic community, through Project Compassion, to continue to fund projects that assist those who are most vulnerable in the world, projects that empower communities with hope and help those in great need to shape a better future for themselves, their families and their communities.

Lives change when we all give 100%.

Source: Caritas Media Release

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