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  • Mary 3 years

    Very well done. We need to get back to prayer and be thankful for what we have. It was easy to see once we took prayer out of schools things would deteriorate and it has. 

  • Lucy Vera 3 years

    Thanks Mr Uhlmann for recognition that what we need on today’s society is to bring back God to our lives.

  • Simon 3 years

    Forget China – the greatest threat to what remains of Australia’s Christian heritage is the behaviour of so-called “christian” political leaders. Most of the avowed atheists in the Australian Parliament are more Christian in thought, word and deed than Scott Morrison, Barnaby Joyce, Dominic Perrottet and Tony Abbott have been or ever will be.

    The far right leader’s sacrifice of the elderly and medically vulnerable to Covid is one of the great moral outrages of our history. None of them of course offer themselves to be one of the casualties. It is always someone else who has to pay for their privileges.

  • Luis 2 years

    I am not sure that this forum is intended for political debate. However accuracy as an aspect of truth-telling, as opposed to name-calling or the certainty of moral superiority, which Christ so frequently condemned, is or surely should be a Christian characteristic.
    With this in mind, it may be worth remarking that PMs Abbott and Morrison were both elected by the majority of the Australian electorate and there are those of us who would not regard most Australians as being on the ‘extreme right’.