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  • Deacon Mick O'Donnell 4 years

    Wonderful story, Don. Congratulations again Mary Anne. So many memories of your musical enhancement of weddings and funerals that I’ve celebrated over 30 years, not only at the Cathedral, but of course, both chapels at Duntroon, St Francis Xavier’s at Hall, and the funeral chapels around town. You, Carmel and Elizabeth willingly share your extraordinary giftedness that is very much appreciated not only by the clergy, but by the recipients of those precious sacramental moments. Blessings to you and your family, Deacon Mick O’Donnell

  • Gavin O'Brien 4 years

    Well deserved Mary Anne. We always enjoy your recitel after Mass on the occasions when we attend the Cathedral. My love of the Organ came from my late mother,also an organist and a uni friend. Keep up your recitels.
    Gavin O’Brien