Holy Spirit Confidence

How did the early Christians feel as the persecution began in Jerusalem? Did they wonder where God was?  I can imagine they would have experienced a great deal of apprehension and uncertainty. Their leaders were in Jerusalem, they had seen the death of Stephen and a zealous man, Saul, was persecuting them. 

Although apprehensive, what they did next surprises us. Led by the Holy Spirit, they went from their homes into the countryside of Samaria and began preaching and saw the power of God move in people’s lives. They were so sure of the reality of the Risen Christ and the Power of the Holy Spirit in their lives that they shared their faith with those they now lived amongst. This was the beginning of the spreading of faith outside of Jerusalem. Eventually, it would spread out into the whole world. But here in the beginning, when it appeared that the early Church was on the back foot, it was actually the opposite.

In our days, we need to have the eyes of faith to see that God is bigger than our trials and to trust in his promise that he will turn all things to good. The Holy Spirit is always moving and he has always moved throughout our history. The early Church was facing difficulties, but God took those difficulties and transformed them and the Church grew. 

Let us be like the early Christians and have the faith to live in the power of the Holy Spirit and have confidence in sharing the Good News of the Risen Christ. Let us trust that God does turn all things to good. 

READ ALSO:  Deep-down Tastes


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