How close Love has and will come

- 4 June 2024 0

Fr Trenton van Reesch holds up the monstrance during the Eucharistic Procession on the Feast of Corpus Christi. Corpus Christi draws us to reflect anew. Who is ... Read More

A Blessed Mother’s Day, a blessed reminder….

- 9 May 2024 6

Who did the Risen Jesus first appear to? Peter, whom he'd invested so much, forgave so readily and built his Church upon? No. Jesus recognised and appeared first to ... Read More

To fast and give alms

- 19 February 2024 0

Two practices the Church gives us in Lent are fasting and almsgiving. But why? The short answer is that they disturb and discipline the body ... Read More

Lent: ‘remember you are dust, and unto dust, you shall return’

- 13 February 2024 0

Inside the The Chiesa di Santa Maria Immacolata. Skeletons adorn the walls and ceilings of the crypt, like 3D paintings. On Rome’s elegant via Veneto ... Read More

Cathedral Parish Golden Jubilee Mass: Homily

- 19 March 2023 1

50th Anniversary Jubilee of St Christopher's Cathedral Friday 17 March 2023 Solemnity of St Patrick Homily: Fr Trenton van Reesch, Cathedral Administrator Two weeks ago ... Read More

The heart of a mother: Celebrating International Women’s Day

- 8 March 2023 3

It is a day to turn attention to the courageous and most amazing achievements of women, so often taken for granted. So let’s do just ... Read More

From Wandering to Journeying

- 21 February 2023 0

In the 40 days of Lent, we journey towards the Hope of Easter. The season recalls the 40 years in the desert, where God’s people ... Read More