Wordpress (12)
  • Gavan Cashman 5 years

    Why has the Catholic Church in Australia at the organisational level been largely silent on the need to take action to mitigate human induced climate change (the proximate cause of the fires) – despite the Pope’s Encyclical Laudato si that humanity has a moral responsibility to do so?

    • Roger FitzGerald 5 years

      Yes Gavan, it is true the Church in Australia has been slow to take the opportunity wonderfully presented by Pope Francis in Laudato Si, now some 5 years ‘new’. The Pope explains how nations and individuals can together better exercise responsible stewardship of our climate and our environment, and so assist human well being world-wide. Thank heavens our Bishops through Catholic Earthcare have recently announced support for the Zali Steggal bill to create an effective and apolitical framework to guide Australian responses on global warming and climate change, a way already being taken by lead nations such as the UK and New Zealand.

  • Susan Swift 5 years

    The key word missing from this statement is the well being / mental health of those affected by bushfires especially the children. Material things as well as prayers are commendable but what about the fear & the experiences those children & their families have lived through. I would hope that those schools in the dioceses affected will have councillors available & that best practice is adopted to ensure that these children feel safe again. Also the realisation that these programs will need ongoing resources in order to be affective. 

    • Roger Azzopardi 5 years

      My daughter, partner and their children aged eleven, nine and five years of age lost everything on Black Saturday in Kinglake. They were trapped,many friends and neighbors died and all were very traumatized,especially the children. The children who were going to State Government schools in Kinglake were immediately taken in by our local Catholic Church and the Catholic School in Montmorency. They lived with us (grand parents)for twelve months.The principal, teachers and the local Catholic community provided them with food, clothing, toys, school uniforms/books,etc. and especially counseling and lots of love and caring. They and their parents like us the grand parents will always carry the scars, however thank God for the support of our Catholic community (family)who at the time and even now have eased our pain.

  • John F. 5 years

    How does one contact the national network? Who is the national network facilitator or manager?

    • Ursula 5 years

      Hello John, the national network is being coordinated by CSSA – you can contact me at   Ursula Stephens 

      We are acutely aware of the high levels of trauma experienced And the need for ongoing support through the coming.months. . We are working closely with our agencies in the Catholic Care network, and with other organisations funded by government to get the support to people when and where they need it. 

      This includes making sure there is counselling and support for children and families through the school system. 

  • Michael Lee 5 years

    This message is encouraging and inspires confidence that the Church will be not only at the pointy end of responding but also there for the long recovery for people affected.

    • Ursula 5 years

      Thanks Michael, we are working very hard to make it so, by developing a whole of church strategy that mobilises for  this and future disasters. 

  • Monica Guy 5 years

    I am glad that the Bishop’s Conference is showing concern for those affected in this tragedy. However, I feel that they should also be encouraging Australians to pray in particular to Our Lady Help of Christians, who is our patroness for protection and help during these difficult times.

  • Fay Padarin 5 years

    Tony Percy seems to have a list of practical things already done. Is Tony part of this proposed National Network for he is doing what I envision a National Network would do – list areas of need, list what is needed, maybe indicate who is to assume responsibility for a particular area, and so on. The national network ideally should have representatives from each Archdiocese whether affected directly by fires or not, those close to the scene know best what is needed, those further removed can coordinate and supply direction when needed.

    • Ursula 5 years

      Hello Fay,

      Yes we’ve been in close contact with Fr Percy and other priest in parishes impacted by the fires. 

  • John Giacon 5 years