Tested faith

Today’s first reading is the story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. These three young men were ordered by King Nebuchadnezzar to worship a false God and he threatened their lives if they did not comply. They did not give a defence or a theological treatise to explain why they were right. They just told the King that they trusted in God no matter what happened to them. While in the furnace they were protected by an angel and when the King saw this he realised that God was true and worshipped him.

It is a story of faith and trust in God. The witness to our faith and our ability to self-sacrifice in whatever way we are being asked can be an offering of intercession. Our capacity to be generous rather than allowing fear to dictate our actions and words can make a difference to another person.

The Lord offers many opportunities for us to place our lives in the hands of God and to trust him. This was the faith that these men had; they believed in God no matter what. We have the chance to allow everything we do to be a witness to faith and hope. This witness can be through significant actions like the men in the furnace or more commonly through small, seemingly inconsequential ways. Like Jesus, we want to be ready to serve others in all that we do. Let us ask for the Grace to be witnesses to the truth of God and his love for us.


READ ALSO:  Not Meristic


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  • Marie-Helene Albaladejo 4 years

    Praise be GOD for ever.
    Thanks and gratitude for your Mass on line.
    May GOD Bless you.
    Marie Helene & Hilaire Albaladejo -Eden-